Tickets in advance by clicking on the link below or by e:mailing mrsjudiglen@gmail.com or by calling 07985052971
Winter Concert - Kimpton Village Choir and special guests
About Us
Founded in 2011 and with our ever patient leader Tim Armstrong-Taylor, the Kimpton Village Choir has grown and grown.
It is our strong belief that anyone can sing and it will improve your health and wellbeing!!
Along the way, we have performed various concerts including our Kimpton Winter Concert and Palladian Picnic. Our other public performances include the Kimpton Folk Festival and appearances throughout Kimpton May Festival.
If you would like to join us, you don't have to have any previous experience, you won't have to audition and you don't even have to be able to read music.
We meet every Monday to sing, learn and most importantly, have fun!

Village Choir
A choir where
anyone can sing!

Winter Concert Sunday 3rd December 2023
7.30pm in Kimpton Church
'Come and Sing' Sat 3rd February 2024 10am to 12 pm Kimpton Memorial Hall - More Info to come!

Next Sing Along in the Pub Early 2024

Join Us!
If you like to sing and would like to be a part of a local mixed choir who, under the guidance of Tim Armstrong-Taylor, sing in harmony and have fun, then contact us now!

Thinking of joining the choir but not sure if you'll enjoy it? Why not come and have a taster of our fabulous choir Monday Evenings 8 to 9.30pm in Kimpton Memorial Hall
Even better join one of our sing along sessions in a local pub - see the Events section for the next date and check out the Wellbeing Section